The pesky squirrel strikes again!

Well, this may be a little harsh on the squirrel as we have no idea who has been doing this but...

We have 1 blueberry bush that is producing blueberries.  It is its first year, so I think it's actually doing alright, we have several baby blueberries growing.  Anyway, we had one blue blueberry, ripe for picking, then one morning it was gone.  Then came another blue blueberry, again ripe for picking, then one morning it was gone too!  That pesky squirrel was waiting for them to be perfect before he picked them one at a time.

So now, I have constructed a very rudimentary shelter, made with branches - 2 uprights and a top 'crossbranch' and covered with butterfly netting, and hooks at the bottom so WE can pick our next blueberry!

It works!  One ripe blueberry - and we got it.  And there are more ripening up.  
